Thursday, July 3, 2014


Pigeon lentil 1 cup
Chopped Onion 1
Ginger Garlic Paste ½ tbsp
Roasted Cumin Powder 1 tbsp
Fenugreek Seeds ½ tsp
Red Chili powder 1 tbsp
Turmeric 1 tsp
Bottle Gourd 1
Brinjal 1
Green Chilies 4
Potatoes 1
Beans 3
Tomatoes 2
Tamarind paste ½ cup
Salt to taste
For Bagar:
Curry Leaves few
Red chilies 2
Mustard Seeds 1 tsp
Oil 1 cup
• Add in lentil in the luke warm water and add in ginger garlic paste, 1 tbsp cumin seeds, ½ tsp cumin seeds, ½ fenugreek seeds, 1 tbsp coriander seeds and onion. Also add in luke warm water.
• Then add in brinjal, green chilies, potatoes, beans, and tamarind paste.
• Heat one sup oil and add in red chilies and 1 tsp mustard seeds. Add it in sambhar and serve.

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