Thursday, April 4, 2013


Mutton Palao

2 L water in 1 kg mutton ghosht to boil

Add all the below in the boiling water
for yakhni: (in cheese cloth)
1 inch Ginger,
3-4 garlic,
½ onion
6-7 long
3-4 dal cheeni
10-12 Whole black pepper
2 tbsp Dhanya
4 tbsp Shawnf
2 Star wala piece

In a hot pan,
Oil, 2 onions, first real hot 4-5 min, and then lower the heat and let it brown.
In the onion wala hot pan, add the boiled mutton, garlic ginger paste 2 tbsp, 1 tbsp salt, 2 tbsp red crushed pepper, and whole green chilis 4-5, Then bhoon. Add 1 cup yogurt, add potatoes, add 1 tsp kala zeera, add unboiled rice and add the water from the yakhni in it. 1 and a half finger markings and then dum. Add zarday ka rung.

Karachi Biryani

Chicken, add yogurt 2 cups, 2 tbsp garlic ginger, 3-4 green chilies, 3-4 lemon juice,  mint, black pepper, boil all of this in the masala

Fry onions, and take and put on side

Boil water in water, lil 1 tsp vinger, 2-3 green chilies, salt, ilaichi, black peper whole, few mint leaves

Rice, chicken, fried onions, chopped mints, lemon juice, rice, add color in milk with zafron and more fried rice.

Dehli biryani

3-4 cup oil, 1 tbsp garlic and ginger, brown onions separately and add that, add ghosht, and cover the lid.
10-12 allo Bokhara, 10-12 small ilaichi, 10-12 long, 10-12 black peper whole, 1 Jayfal, 2-3 bay leaves, 5 star flower, 1 dal cheeni, 1 tsp kala zeera ½ tbsp. long,  > grind these masalas.
4 tbsp red chili powder, 4 tbsp dhanya powder, 1 tbsp salt,

in yogurt, add 2 tbsp masala, mix with chicken that should already be bhooned… and then add a bit of water.. and let it bhoon and add 1tsp salt, 1 tbsp red chili powder


marinate meet in 1 cup yogurt add, green masala, which has crushed green chilis , green coriander, and green mint. Salt 1 tsp, 1 tsp red chili powder, ¼ tsp haldi. and 2 tbsp biryani masala, and aloo bukhara
In a hot pan, add oil, and brown 1 onion, and take half of it out, add garlic ginger paste 2 tsp, and add the marinated ghosht.

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